Overview of vectorlite

Quick overview

Vectorlite is a Runtime-loadable extension for SQLite that enables fast vector search based on hnswlib and works on Windows, MacOS and Linux. It provides fast vector search capabilities with a SQL interface and runs on every language with a SQLite driver.

For motivation and background of this project, please check here.

Below is an example of using it in sqlite CLI shell:

-- Load vectorlite
.load path/to/vectorlite.[so|dll|dylib]
-- shows vectorlite version and build info.
select vectorlite_info(); 
-- Calculate vector l2(squared) distance
select vector_distance(vector_from_json('[1,2,3]'), vector_from_json('[3,4,5]'), 'l2');
-- Create a virtual table named my_table with one vector column my_embedding with dimention of 3
create virtual table my_table using vectorlite(my_embedding float32[3], hnsw(max_elements=100));
-- Insert vectors into my_table. rowid can be used to relate to a vector's metadata stored elsewhere, e.g. another table.
insert into my_table(rowid, my_embedding) values (0, vector_from_json('[1,2,3]'));
insert into my_table(rowid, my_embedding) values (1, vector_from_json('[2,3,4]'));
insert into my_table(rowid, my_embedding) values (2, vector_from_json('[7,7,7]'));
-- Find 2 approximate nearest neighbors of vector [3,4,5] with distances
select rowid, distance from my_table where knn_search(my_embedding, knn_param(vector_from_json('[3,4,5]'), 2));
-- Find the nearest neighbor of vector [3,4,5] among vectors with rowid 0 and 1. (requires sqlite_version>=3.38)
-- It is called metadata filter in vectorlite, because you could get rowid set beforehand based on vectors' metadata and then perform vector search.
-- Metadata filter is pushed down to the underlying index when traversing the HNSW graph.
select rowid, distance from my_table where knn_search(my_embedding, knn_param(vector_from_json('[3,4,5]'), 1)) and rowid in (0, 1) ;

Currently, vectorlite is pre-compiled for Windows-x64, Linux-x64, MacOS-x64, MacOS-arm64 and distributed as python wheels and npm packages. It can be installed simply by:

# For python
pip install vectorlite-py
# for nodejs
npm i vectorlite

For other languages, vectorlite.[so|dll|dylib] can be extracted from the wheel for your platform, given that a *.whl file is actually a zip archive.

Vectorlite is currently in beta. There could be breaking changes.


  1. Fast ANN(approximate nearest neighbors) search backed by hnswlib. Vector query is significantly faster than similar projects like sqlite-vec and sqlite-vss. Please see benchmark below.

  2. Works on Windows, Linux and MacOS(x64 and ARM).

  3. A fast and portable SIMD accelerated vector distance implementation using Google’s highway library. On my PC(i5-12600KF with AVX2 support), vectorlite’s implementation is 1.5x-3x faster than hnswlib’s when dealing vectors with dimension >= 256.

  4. Supports all vector distance types provided by hnswlib: l2(squared l2), cosine, ip(inner product. I do not recomend you to use it though). For more info please check hnswlib’s doc.

  5. Full control over HNSW parameters for performance tuning. Please check this example.

  6. Predicate pushdown support for vector metadata(rowid) filter (requires sqlite version >= 3.38). Please check this example;

  7. Index serde support. A vectorlite table can be saved to a file, and be reloaded from it. Index files created by hnswlib can also be loaded by vectorlite. Please check this example;

  8. Vector json serde support using vector_from_json() and vector_to_json().